Workers Health & Safety Centre

A WHSC-qualified instructor delivers high-quality health and safety training using proven adult teaching techniques


Workplace law recognizes the need for health and safety training. One would be hard pressed to find a piece of occupational health and safety legislation federally or provincially that does not include provisions for training.

According to Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act, employers have a general duty to provide information, instruction, and supervision to workers to protect their health and safety. Training is a key way employers meet this obligation. A constructor or employer must also ensure that at least one member of the joint health and safety committee representing the employer and at least one member representing workers receive special Certification training.

More specifically, employers must provide training as prescribed by regulations such as WHMIS, confined spaces, working at heights, and safe operator training. Regulations in Ontario also require mandatory introductory training for workers as well as supervisors

Not all training is created equal, however. Some of what passes for occupational health and safety training (lectures, videos, posters and online resources) is not training at all; and some training actually blames workers for their own demise.

Hallmarks of quality training

Many workers and workplace representatives know and even research tells us what good, effective health and safety training looks like. Good training:

  • Embraces proven adult teaching techniques
  • Builds on workers’ experiences
  • Is delivered by a trusted and qualified source
  • Provides opportunity to apply what is learned
  • Provides opportunity for an instructor to observe and confirm learning has taken place
  • Avoids Band-Aid solutions, addressing root problems—the hazards themselves.

When workers and workplace representatives get the good training they need, safer, healthier work can follow. When they don't, workers remain vulnerable and tragedy often results. The WHSC is dedicated to providing quality health and safety training that embraces proven adult education techniques.

Need more information still, email us at or call 1.888.869.7950 and ask to speak to a WHSC training services representative.



"As a non-profit organization, having reasonably priced training, like the WHSC's, means we can fulfill our core mission and meet government requirements in a cost-effective way." Jessica Busi Program Manager, Summer Jobs for Youth Program New Beginnings Windsor
"The content was great. Even more important, the WHSC instructor helped keep the learning environment fun and engaging. We will definitely use the WHSC as a training service provider again." Pat Miller Benefits Supervisor Orkin/PCO Service Corporation Canada
"We recognize the important roles our supervisors play with respect to the safety of our employees. The one-day WHSC Supervisor training was exactly what we needed. It is our intention to provide this training to new supervisors in the future." Darlene Belliveau Director of Finance and Administration Alpha Court Thunder Bay