Workers Health & Safety Centre

Worker receives online JHSC Certification training in Ontario.


Workers Health & Safety Centre (WHSC) is Ontario’s leading Certification provider and official training centre delivering trusted and approved health and safety certification for joint health and safety committees in all sectors of the economy. Every training participant will receive an occupational health and safety certificate.

WHSC has innovated to offer JHSC Certification training in real-time, online, virtual classrooms. All that is required is a high-speed internet connection and a computer with a functioning camera, speakers and microphone. As a participant you’ll learn from a WHSC-qualified instructor alongside other remote learners in interactive sessions conducted from the safety of your home or workplace. To help ensure the integrity of the learning experience, smartphones are not permitted.

We are also scheduling our traditional in-person courses in growing numbers. See your options below.

Let’s get started. Register today for quality, trusted training. Having troubles registering online? Download our registration form, complete the required fields and credit or debit card information and email to


Certification Part I - Virtual

Certification Part II - Correctional Facilities - Virtual

Certification Part II - General - Virtual

Certification Part II - Health Care & Social Services - Virtual

Certification Refresher - Virtual