Workers Health & Safety Centre

Workers learn about how the Workers Health and Safety Centre is Ontario's designated health and safety training centre


The Workers Health & Safety Centre (WHSC) is designated by the government as Ontario’s health and safety training centre. Our unique role is well earned.

With 35 years experience, we are Ontario’s premier provider of occupational health and safety training for joint health and safety committees, smaller workplace health and safety representatives, workers and supervisors.

WHSC training can help workplaces of all sizes and sectors to

  • comply with all legal training requirements
  • meet employer general duty provisions for worker information and instruction
  • plan and implement effective workplace health and safety prevention programs.

WHSC is committed to bringing change to workplaces across Ontario. Learn how we can help create safer, healthier workplaces.

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"We use WHSC courses in our apprenticeship programs. Our members like that they learn the basics in the classroom, but then put them into practice right afterwards on site." Nick Ciccone Training Director & Apprenticeship Co-ordinator LIUNA Local 837 Hamilton
"Our first call was to the WHSC. The training was specific to our needs and addressed our specific workplace hazards. The cost was very reasonable, the outcomes immeasurable." Cindy Homer Registered Nurse Two Rivers Family Health Team Cambridge
"We continue to use the WHSC because we can see the impact the training is having at our school sites. With WHSC training, health and safety representatives are asking the right questions." Lynne Gurzi Former President/Chief Negotiator Halton District Education Assistants Association