Workers Health & Safety Centre

At WHSC we also work in partnership with many Indigenous organizations, aiming to help pave a way toward healing and reconciliation.


Workers Health & Safety Centre (WHSC) recognizes that we conduct business across Ontario on the traditional territories and lands of 133 First Nations. These First Nations have come to share this land with the Inuit and Metis people. Forty-six treaties cover the relationship and responsibilities between First Nations people in Ontario and the federal government. These treaties form the basis of the relationship between all Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.
These treaties and First Nations across the province are unique. To enrich your knowledge and understanding of Indigenous people, their languages, and treaties, please visit, and enter your address to discover the traditional people of your area.
At WHSC we also work in partnership with many Indigenous organizations such as, the Keepers of the Circle and the Ogwehoweh Skills and Trades Training Centre. We ask you to join us in becoming stewards of reconciliation with the First Nations, Inuit and Metis people of this land by recognizing their gifts, sacrifices, history, culture and contributions for the benefit of all communities in Ontario through peace, friendship and mutual respect.

Andrew Mudge
Executive Director, WHSC

Need quality health and safety training?

Workers Health & Safety Centre (WHSC) is Ontario’s official government-designated health and safety training centre. We provide essential high-quality training to workers, their representatives, supervisors, and employers, in public and private sector workplaces of every size, industry, and region of the province.

Benefits of quality health and safety training

As well as meeting legal training obligations, effective health and safety training can help improve working conditions. It can help:
  • workplace parties understand and carry out their legal rights and duties
  • support the effectiveness of joint health and safety committees and representatives
  • ensure worker and supervisor competency
  • bolster overall workplace prevention programs
  • reduce work-related injury, illness, and death by identifying and controlling workplace hazards.

What quality training looks like

All WHSC courses, whether delivered virtually or in-person, are led by highly qualified and experienced instructors helping to ensure critical learning is achieved. All courses are delivered using adult education techniques where highly interactive sessions ensure participants build upon their collective experiences of the workplace to devise real-world strategies for safer, healthier work.
For virtual classes, participants need access to a high-speed internet connection and a computer with a functioning camera, speakers, and microphone. To help ensure the integrity of the learning experience, smartphones are not permitted.


Connect with Val Vanderwyk, Indigenous Liaison and Training Services Representative at or at 289-253-9189.